In last month’s Tips and Tricks we discussed how to standardize a “skin” in each of your different Cognos 8 environments. This allowed all users to receive the same look and feel when interacting with Cognos Connection. We’re going to take it one step further and discuss the benefits of using a built-in tool called the Layout Component Reference to accomplish this at the individual report level.

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If your house is anything like mine, then it would be called Google.  You have to search to get anything you want.  Even if your house is well organized, to find a book  by title or author you have to sift through the bookcase.  However, if you decide to count all of your books regardless of their location in your house, it is more of a daunting effort.  To make things complicated, what if you wanted to also categorize them as fiction, non-fiction etc.  Imagine the chaos if several people decided to count all of your books at the same time. This is what happens when analytical reporting is based on a transaction processing system. Read more

Many organizations utilize multiple Cognos environments as part of their development process, such as development, QA and production servers. It is not uncommon for users (especially system administrators and developers) to become confused about which server he/she is working on as all of the environments look the same. (logo, background, font etc). So how can you easily distinguish between these various environments? Read more