You’ve gone through the exercise of creating your data warehouse, developing a model and creating the most relevant and useful reports your organization could use. You’ve gone live: consumers have their logins and have been trained on how to receive their daily fill of data. There may be a few hiccups here and there but in general things are going well.

For the most part, users who begin to use Cognos will find themselves using it more and more, making requests as they discover the possibilities presented to them. Convenient as it already is, there will be several groups of users who may need or want even more accessibility. How do you deliver for them? Read more

The implementation of 64-bit infrastructures has become commonplace throughout most IT departments regardless of the size of the organization. Whether it is a corporate decision to utilize the opportunities available with the more powerful architecture or simply a question that arises when purchasing new hardware, it has become a common thread in all IT discussions. As hardware costs continue to drop and 64-bit operating systems and applications become more prevalent, IT decision makers are often encouraging the move. What is often lost in this decision is whether the hosted applications are truly 64-bit. Has the application been written to utilize all the available resources or does it simply run in a 32-bit emulation or processor core on the selected hardware? What advantages will actually be realized by “upgrading” to a 64-bit application? The true answer to this question often requires a bit deeper look under the covers. Read more

In our previous two articles we discussed methods of extending the existing Cognos capabilities: how to create a new URL link in Cognos Connection and change its default action to be open in a new re-sizable window and how to create an open-in- new-window URL link in Report Studio. Today, let’s continue our journey and uncover another trick, a frequently requested feature: how to customize the styles of a hyperlink in report. By default, a hyperlink created in Report Studio is styled in blue color and underlined. With the available built-in capabilities in Report Studio you have limited flexibility to change the style of a hyperlink which can severely limit the ability to adhere to a corporate requirement or provide a unique look and feel. Read more