How to build a dashboard in IBM Cognos 8.4.x?

As we engage with our hundreds of customers, one question that inevitably arises, is how do we build good dashboards?  The questions begs at least a cursory understanding of IBM Cognos 8’s capabilities and options. That being said, I am purposely not discussing capablities introduced in Cognos 10, like Business Insight, Business Insight Advanced, or Active Reports. Mainly due to the fact that many existing IBM Cognos customers have not upgraded their platform to IBM Cognos 10.1.  We will cover those tools in depth separately. That being said, with the exception of GoDashboard, all of the these techniques/descriptions also apply to IBM Cognos 10, extended of course by BI, BIA, and the Active Reports capability.

Cognos 8.4.x provides the following options for building dashboards: Read more

As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter we will be featuring articles regarding IBM Cognos 10 for the next several months in order to bring our subscribers up to speed on the newest IBM Cognos offering. In prior months we had discussed our initial reaction to IBM Cognos 10, Active Reports and this month we will be reviewing the all new Business Insight interface.

This new interface is geared towards the business user, providing them with a suite of powerful tools to access, analyze, and format BI content with minimal training. Let’s go ahead and get started with how best to make use of this new tool. Read more


This month’s Tech Tip article is a two part article that will review the implementation of global filters in Cognos Connection dashboard applications. To demonstrate this technique, we will explain how to pass your prompt selections from one dashboard portlet to other report portlets within the same dashboard page.

In an effort to facilitate the recreation of the samples provided in this article, all examples were written using the “GO Sales (query)” sample package (provided with the default Cognos sample pack) and have been broken down to two simple steps:

  1. Creating the Report Studio prompts and parameterized reports.
  2. Creating pages in Cognos Connection. Read more