To give you an idea of the many customization possibilities that RAVE technology unlocks, we’re providing a free download of a custom visualization crafted by one of our senior consultants. It’s a comparative column chart that can show projections, actual values, and targets all in one place in a clean, easy-to-interpret format. Read more
ELT is a term heard increasingly in today’s analytic environments. Understanding what it means, and how you can make use of it, requires understanding the traditional nature of how data warehouses are loaded and how data movement tools work. That’s why we’ve pulled this article together: to break down the ETL vs. ELT divide and show you where the similarities and differences are. Read more
Ironside Recognized as 2015 IBM Beacon Award Finalist for Outstanding Information Management Solution
This year, Ironside received the high honor of being placed among the finalists for IBM’s prestigious Beacon Award in the category of Outstanding Information Management solution. The accolade displays IBM’s recognition of an unprecedented and groundbreaking project for one of Ironside’s top clients that included an end-to-end enterprise information management architecture that was entirely cloud-based. Additionally, and in partnership with IBM SoftLayer, Ironside envisioned and executed on a never-before-seen cloud implementation that allowed the client to leverage the unparalleled power of an IBM PureData for Analytics infrastructure without having to bring it onsite. PureData for Analytics, more commonly known in the industry as Netezza, is one of the most robust and sophisticated data warehouses currently on the market. Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s take a deeper look into how Ironside is making Netezza more easily available than ever before. Read more
Ironside’s accomplishments were many in 2014. We expanded into new regions, brought on lots of new talent, and continued our development as one of the most trusted advisors in the industries we serve. To give you a quick glimpse into how we’ve grown, we put together the following list of all the awards we were fortunate enough to receive and be nominated for. Take a look, and feel free to reach out if you’d like more information. Read more