In today’s “Big Data” era, a lot of data, in volume and variety, is being continuously generated across various channels within an enterprise and in the Cloud. To drive exploratory analysis and make accurate predictions, we need to connect, collate, and consume all of this data to make clean, consistent data easily and quickly available to analysts and data scientists.

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The day-to-day work of an Underwriter ranges from research, to data entry, to pricing a risk, to ultimately negotiating that premium value with an agent. At the core, they need to accurately gauge risk, on a case by case basis. But their job doesn’t stop there. Even if we were to codify all the significant risk factors (as actuarial tables do), this doesn’t translate directly to how much the insurance firm ultimately charges for a given premium. Underwriters need to create an offer that they can justify to their customers, and keep an eye on the prevailing market dynamics.

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