Entries by Lucinda Linde

Transforming Mystery Shopping with AI: How HS Brands is Revolutionizing Customer Experience Measurement

HS Brands, a leader in mystery shopping services, demonstrates how AI technology can create compelling competitive advantages.  The approach uses AI to reshape how HS Brands gathers, analyzes and acts on the data supporting customer experience measurement. Integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into enterprise workflows has become a crucial strategy for enterprises to enhance efficiency, […]

What’s keeping mid-market companies from leveraging advanced analytics and AI in 2023?

Midmarket companies use Advanced Analytics and AI to automate processes, glean strategic insights and make predictions at scale such as: Companies can wait until their competitors, or new entrants leverage AI in their industry, or they can start the process now.  There’s no doubt that the coming years will see AI applied to ever-increasing processes […]