IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager Fundamentals and Advanced Training – Nov. 15-19, 2010

The Ironside Group is excited to publicly offer both our Fundamentals and Advanced Framework Manager Training courses in back-to-back fashion for the first time. As with all of our course offerings, this curricula is lead by our veteran consultants who have decades of in-depth real-world technical experience with IBM Cognos software. Take advantage of this special combined offering and become a Framework Manager expert in a weeks time.

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager Fundamentals (View Description)
When: November 15-17, 2010

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager Advanced (View Description)
When: November 18-19, 2010

Where: IBM Innovation Center (Newport Room), Waltham, MA (Boston)

IBM Cognos BI Framework Manager Fundamentals

Millions of dollars are wasted every year on Business Intelligence implementations that fail to provide a clear strategic architecture to presenting corporate information for end user consumption. If the data is organized in a concise, consistent manner, and performs well, the project will be well received and accepted around the organization. In order to achieve this, a solid understanding of the IBM Cognos Framework Manager tool is necessary.

Based on a proven training curriculum, the Ironside Group will provide instructor-led classes that highlight the important steps to be considered during the design and implementation process of a Framework model.

Course Outline

This two-day instructor-led metadata modeling course is best fitted for the following audiences:

  • New to both metadata modeling and data warehousing
  • Upgrading from previous versions
  • Knowledge refresher

During the session, students will be introduced to the entire Framework Manager lifecycle, beginning with the planning phase, all the way through to publishing the model for user consumption. Each topic will be highlighted with in-depth workshops, question and answer sessions, and tips and techniques drawn from over 15 plus years of cross industry experience.


The curriculum is based on the most recent version of IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager, and uses the sample data sources included in the IBM Cognos BI 8 Samples package.

All our instructors are IBM Cognos certified relational data modelers. They also provide the benefit of having up to 15 years of real-world experience.

Our manuals are aimed at self-study.


A good comprehension of Microsoft Windows is mandatory in order to navigate.

An understanding of the standard IBM Cognos 8 BI portal (Cognos Connection) is a benefit.

High-level Curriculum

  • Framework Manager Overview
  • Access your Data
  • Framework Manager Objects and Terminology
  • Create Packages Organize your Projects
  • Generating and Creating Relationships
  • Filters
  • Calculations
  • Work with Dimensionally Modeled Data
  • Extra Features

IBM Cognos BI Framework Manager Advanced

One of the challenges facing information managers today is the need to inter-relate different sources and types of information. Understanding the structure and architecture of the data make the above-mentioned scenario possible; metadata is the means by which this happens. Whether it is an ERP system or an e-commerce system that needs to exchange data between proprietary applications, IBM Cognos Framework Manager is the correct application for organizing and reporting on inter-related disparate data sources.

Based on a proven training curriculum, the Ironside Group will provide instructor-led classes that highlight the important steps to be considered during the design and implementation process of your metadata model.

Course Outline

This two-day instructor-led metadata modeling course is best fitted for professional metadata modelers.

During the session, students will dive into the more obscure Framework Manager lifecycle options. Each topic will be highlighted with in-depth workshops, question and answer sessions, and tips and techniques drawn from over 15 plus years of cross industry experience.


The curriculum is based on the most recent version of IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager, and uses the sample data sources included in the IBM Cognos BI 8 Samples package.

All our instructors are IBM Cognos certified relational data modelers. They also provide the benefit of having up to 15 years of real-world experience.

Our manuals are aimed at self-study.


A good comprehension of Microsoft Windows is mandatory in order to navigate.

Prior IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager knowledge is required.

High-level Curriculum

  • Query generation architecture overview
  • Cognos SQL vs. Native SQL
  • Aggregation rules
  • Multi-fact/multi-grain queries
  • Common data trap overview
  • Leveraging session and custom parameters
  • Use of macros
  • Extra Features

Transportation, Lodging and Dining

For additional information regarding transportation to and from the IBM Waltham Innovation Center as well as nearby dining and lodging accommodations, please review the IBM Waltham Innovation Center Welcome Packet.