Introducing AscentAI from Ironside
Ironside is pleased to announce the release of a new packaged service AscentAI. For nearly 10 years, Ironside has offered data science expertise and advisory services to organizations who seek to establish AI within their enterprise. Now Ironside offers a powerful new service for organizations who are earlier in their AI journey.
AI is becoming more of a necessity for businesses to retain their competitive edge, keep internal costs low and manage risk. But getting started can be overwhelming. What technologies should we invest in? Should we hire data scientists and how many? What use cases should they work on? Where would they get started? How much will this cost us? Can our current infrastructure support this? Is our data mature enough? Is our organization ready?
Ironside’s strong history of helping organizations get started on their AI journey allows us to understand common pitfalls and how to pivot around them, have a valuable point of view on AI/ML technology and infrastructure options, and provide a highly skilled data science team. We understand that many organizations can’t jump in feet first and need a way to quickly and easily prove value with rapid cost-effective sprints before they begin to think about hiring or large technology purchases. That is why we created AscentAI.
What is AscentAI?
AscentAI is a packaged service, delivered in progressive modules to allow you to scale up at your own pace.

Ironside provides the data science team, including solution architects, developers, experience designers, data engineers and of course experienced data scientists, and leverages their own infrastructure and AI IP that they’ve developed over the years. You provide your data and business subject matter experts who work closely with the Ironside team to develop a customized AI solution that delivers measurable results.
We bring the technology and expertise so you can focus on putting the results to work for your organization.

Who is AscentAI for?
AscentAI is right for any organization that says:
- We need to test out AI use cases before investing in technology and people.
- We want to build a business case to gain executive support for further AI funding.
- We want to become an AI driven organization, but without investing in capital expenses or building an internal center of excellence.
- We need a trusted AI partner, not an off-the-shelf solution.
- We have unique business problems and use cases that don’t fit any solution on the market.
Get started, today!
If you want all the benefits of implementing artificial intelligence to analyze, action and manage your data, without any of the hassles and headaches, AscentAI delivers.