Tag Archive for: Conference

We’re getting ready for Tableau Conference 2016 here at Ironside. With only a short time left until November 7th, our team is preparing for which parts of the conference they’re most excited to take in. And, more importantly, developing strategies for prioritizing where to spend their time. I got a chance to catch up quick with Crystal Meyers and Katelyn Tolbert, two of our Tableau-certified consultants, to hear what they’re looking forward to and get their perspectives on where people should be focusing at the conference. Read more

Ironside CEO Tim Kreytak was featured as part of Japanese news outlet BCN’s June 13, 2016 article recapping the IBM Watson Summit that took place in Tokyo on May 24-26. Tim (shown bottom right in the following photo) was a guest speaker at the conference, where he talked about Ironside’s successes as an IBM partner, specifically discussing our predictive policing work with the Manchester, NH Police Department.


Tim Kreytak in BCN News

“Tim Kreytak, CEO of Ironside, introduced their success with Manchester Police Department in reducing the number of crimes by 26% in one year,” the article stated (translated from Japanese). It then went on to talk about Ironside’s partnership with IBM and the measures by which we judge our clients’ success, as well as some additional case examples around Watson Analytics.


IBM Watson Summit in Tokyo


IBM Watson Summit in Tokyo

Solution Shared at IBM Watson Summit in Tokyo

Ironside’s IronShield predictive policing platform gives police departments the tools and knowledge they need to anticipate criminal behavior and proactively prevent crime, which is one of the largest factors in crime reduction. It utilizes powerful predictive models tailored for each community’s unique geography, weather, and history right from the start through its core module for hot spot policing, producing intuitive visual map displays of where crime is most likely to occur.

If you’d like to check out the solution featured at the conference, take a look at our IronShield page.  Or you can read about it in local news coverage at WMUR9.

You can see the article about the IBM Watson Summit in Tokyo on BCN Bizline.